
About Joel Bomgar

Innovative Business Experience

Joel Bomgar founded Bomgar Corporation in 2003 while studying at Belhaven University and working as a systems engineer. What began as a way for Joel to provide remote technical support to clients without leaving his desk rapidly turned into a product that gained market share and grew into a very successful business. Over the past decade, Joel Bomgar has led Bomgar Corporation to become the industry leader in enterprise remote support technology. The company has grown to boast over $60 million in annual revenues and employs over 200 people worldwide—the majority of whom work at its Madison County headquarters.

As CEO of Bomgar Corporation, Joel had firsthand experience creating jobs here in Madison County. Joel has been commended by the Mississippi House of Representatives and the Mississippi Senate for leading Bomgar Corporation to become one of the top job creators in Mississippi.

Early on, Joel and the Bomgar leadership team agreed that they wanted to conduct their business in accordance with their Christian faith. Using biblical principles, they developed a set of Core Values to guide the company. These guiding principles emphasized such values as humility, integrity, truth, and good stewardship. And the Bomgar team sought to truly live by them every day. Ultimately, Joel attributes the incredible success of Bomgar Corporation not only to the talented and hardworking employees of Bomgar, but also to these faith-based principles and to God’s blessings of their efforts.

Community Leader

Joel’s career is distinguished as one of service and dedication to our community. While growing Bomgar Corporation to an internationally recognized company serving customers in over 60 countries, Joel ensured that the company remained focused on its Madison County roots. Bomgar Corporation is proud to be one of the largest employers in the Madison/Ridgeland area.

As a local business leader, Joel has been an advocate for economic growth and development efforts in Madison County. He has been honored to serve on the board of the Madison County Foundation and advisory board of the Madison County Business League and Foundation. Joel also served on the steering council for Mississippi Economic Council’s Blueprint Mississippi project which produced a long-range economic development plan for Mississippi.

For his accomplishments, investments in people, and impact on the local economy, Joel was honored to receive the Visionary Leadership Award from the Madison County Economic Development Authority and the Madison County Business League.

As state representative, Joel continues to serve the interests of Madison and Ridgeland to ensure that our community continues to be a great place to live and raise a family

Conservative Family Values

Joel attributes the success of Bomgar Corporation to the biblical principles on which the company was founded. Their corporate culture places a strong emphasis on family and godly values. Joel strives to apply these principles to all areas of life—including business, government, and his personal life. Psalm 127:1 has been a guiding verse for Joel: “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Following in a family tradition of military service, Joel served for six years in the Mississippi Air National Guard. In recognition of his service, he received the Air Force Achievement Medal and the Air Force Commendation Medal.

Joel graduated from Belhaven University with a degree in Business Administration. Joel chose to attend Belhaven in part due to its strong emphasis on a Christ-centered education. He also served on Belhaven’s Board of Trustees. Joel met his wife Rachel when they were both students at Belhaven. They have been married for 19 years and are the proud parents of four children: Amelia, Simon, Mark, and Seth. Joel and his family reside in Madison, and they attend Redeemer Presbyterian Church.


To read more, check out this feature story about Joel and Rachel in Metro Christian Living Magazine.

Copyright | Joel Bomgar for Representative | Paid for by Friends of Joel Bomgar

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