
House Floor Votes 1/2/18-1/5/18

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*Note: This page will be continuously updated as votes are taken and posted. By clicking on the bill number, you can view the full text of the bill, current status, and vote totals. Vote totals are preliminary and may differ from the final totals. To view the vote by party, copy and paste the names from the vote totals pdf here. You can view upcoming votes, along with my explanation, on my House Calendar page here.


Thursday, January 4, 2018


  • HB 354: This bill requires that a portion of general fund revenue growth be allocated to road and bridge construction and repair, divided equally among cities and counties. While the state should seek to decrease spending across the board, this should be a priority for the tax dollars that are collected. I voted Yes, the measure passed 117-1.


  • HB 357: This bill borrows $50 million at taxpayer expense to send additional funds to cities and counties for road work. The state should prioritize existing tax dollars for road repair instead of adding to the state’s debt. I voted No, the measure passed 114-3.


  • HB 359: This bill pauses new construction of roads by MDOT to prioritize maintenance of existing roads, and ensures that funds are not directed towards pet projects. An amendment was offered to exclude state aid roads from this moratorium. It passed by a voice vote. I voted Yes on the bill, it passed 71-41.




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