
House Floor Votes 2/15/16 – 2/19/16

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*Note: This page will be continuously updated as votes are taken and posted. To view the full text of a measure, click on the bill number. To view the vote totals, click on the date immediately beneath the bill title.

    1. On Monday 2/15/16, the House considered a bill which would provide the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks more latitude to adjust any open hunting season when animals are forced out of their natural habitat due to flooding or another natural incident. I voted Yes, the measure passed 120-1.
HB 818 MDWFP; authorize to close or shorten open season due to high water or other exigent circumstances.
02/15 (H) Amended
02/15 (H) Passed As Amended

2. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House reconsidered a bill that was passed the previous week dealing with assignment of benefits from insurance claims. Some members expressed concerns that the bill as written applied the regulation to auto insurance, which was not regulated by this provision previously. The House reconsidered an amended version that excluded this portion. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-1.

HB 93 Health insurance; revise assignment of benefits provisions regarding.
02/16 (H) Reconsidered
02/16 (H) Amended
02/16 (H) Passed As Amended

3. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered a bill which reauthorized incentive payments to film companies who choose to film in Mississippi. This law allows a government agency to make cash rebates to film companies. I voted No, the bill passed 114-5.

HB 444 Mississippi Motion Picture Incentive Act; extend authority of Department of Revenue to approve applications for certain rebates under.
02/16 (H) Passed

4. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered a bill which would revise the time period under which an individual could file for a hearing on a discrepancy with the Department of Revenue concerning taxes owed. This would ensure that individuals have a reasonable amount of time to request a hearing. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-0.

HB 460 Department of Revenue; revise date upon which time period begins to run for taxpayer to request hearing on permit revocation/suspension.
02/16 (H) Passed

5. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered the Mississippi See Something, Say Something Act. This bill aims to protect against terrorism by providing civil liability to anyone who reports an activity they reasonably believe to be related to terrorism, and also to officials who make a reasonable response to these reports. This bill ensures that individuals are not afraid to report dangerous activity, but also prevent abuse by limiting protection to “reasonable” behavior. I voted Yes, the measure passed 89-30.

HB 578 Mississippi See Something, Say Something Act of 2016; enact.
02/16 (H) Amendment Failed
02/16 (H) Passed

6. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered a revision to the habitual offender statute which allows the court to enter in a sentence less than the maximum guideline in certain circumstances. This only applies to nonviolent offenders. I vote Yes, the bill passed 89-31.

HB 783 Habitual nonviolent offenders; revise sentencing guidelines.
02/16 (H) Passed

7. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered extending MDA’s controversial tourism tax incentive program. I voted No, the measure passed 115-5.

HB 842 Tourism project sales tax incentive program; extend authority of MDA to approve participants for certain projects.
02/16 (H) Passed

8. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered a package of two resolutions commending Mississippians. I voted Yes, these passed 121-0.

HC 51 Sarah Thomas; commend upon becoming first full-time official in NFL .
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC 54 Doug McQueen; commend his life upon his passing.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Transmitted To Senate

9. On Tuesday 2/16/16, the House considered a package of seven resolutions commending Mississippians. I voted Yes, these passed 121-0.

SC 563 Commend Delta Sigma Theta on Delta Day at the Capitol.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 564 Mourn the loss and commend the life and public service of former Senator “Son” Rhodes of Vancleave.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 565 Designating first week in February 2016 as “Enrolled Agent Week in Mississippi.”
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 568 Congratulate 2016 AKA Sorority on Policy Impact Day at the Capitol.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 569 Mourn the passing of Mississippi Civil Rights icon Winifred A. Green of Jackson, Mississippi.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 572 Mourn the passing of NFL and JSU football legend and former DFA Administrator Willie Richardson.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
SC 573 Mourn the passing of legendary Mississippi Delta Political Leader Dr. Juniper Yates “J.Y” Trice.
02/16 (H) Adopted
02/16 (H) Immediate Release
02/16 (H) Returned For Enrolling
Simmons (13th)

10. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill with authorizes the Department of Revenue to get fingerprints and background checks on certain employees who handle federal tax information. This was needed to comply with a new federal regulation which states certain employees must be fingerprinted to handle privileged tax information. I voted Yes, the measure passed 121-0.

HB 447 Department of Revenue; authorize to require fingerprints and background checks for employees with access to federal tax information.
02/17 (H) Passed

11. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which reauthorizes the Appraisal Management Company Registration Act, which requires appraisal management companies to register with the state before conducting business in Mississippi. Several states have voluntary registration, and that appears to be a model that allows for increased competition. I voted No, the measure passed 121-1.

HB 472 Mississippi Appraisal Management Company Registration Act; extend repealer on registration requirement for appraisal management companies.
02/17 (H) Passed

12. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which would raise the statute of limitation on sexual battery to conform it to that of rape. I voted Yes, the measure passed 95-24.

HB 572 Sexual battery; conform statute of limitation to rape.
02/17 (H) Passed

13. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which would allow Youth Court judges to appoint counsel to indigent parents. This bill further provides for an adequate defense for those with little means. I voted Yes, the measure passed 120-0.

HB 772 Youth court; authorize counsel to represent indigent parent.
02/17 (H) Passed

14. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which would explicitly allow churches to institute their own private armed security teams. This bill addresses an important need in the wake of the Charleston massacre. I voted Yes, the measure passed 85-33.

HB 786 “Mississippi Church Protection Act”; create.
02/17 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
02/17 (H) Passed

15. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which would delete a prohibition that prevented advertisement for alcoholic beverages in dry areas. This prohibition currently restricts speech rights. I voted Yes, the measure passed 85-29.

HB 843 Alcoholic beverages; delete prohibition against advertisement of alcoholic beverages originating in dry areas.
02/17 (H) Passed
02/17 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered (Miles, Smith, Lamar)

16. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which made a small revision to the statute concerning tax liabilities. The statute currently says the Department of Revenue should use “any” information available, and this bill changed that to reflect the “best” information available. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.

HB1387 Sales tax; revise type of information used by Commissioner of Revenue when assessing tax liability in certain cases.
02/17 (H) Passed

17. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which makes a revision to the statute concerning how the Department of Revenue may dispose of seized alcohol. This revision makes it easier for the Department to dispose of seizures, and saves money. I vote Yes, the measure passed 113-5.

HB1423 Department of Revenue; revise disposal of seized alcohol if possessor is convicted of illegal possession and expand enforcement.
02/17 (H) Passed

18. On Wednesday 2/17/16, the House considered a bill which extended the tax credit offered to businesses that use airports for importation of cargo. I support reducing the income tax burden on all Mississippians, and this is a step in that direction. I voted Yes, the measure passed 122-0.

HB1556 Income tax; extend repealer on tax credit for certain charges at airports used for export/import of cargo.
02/17 (H) Passed

19. On Thursday 2/18/16, the House considered a bill which would require consumer finance companies in Mississippi to register with the state in order to operate, and lays out a number of regulations on the way the can operate and the interest they may charge. I voted No, the measure passed 104-18.

HB1511 MS Consumer Alternative Installment Loan Act; create.
02/18 (H) Amended
02/18 (H) Passed As Amended

20. On Friday 2/19/16, the House considered a bill which would amend the telelmedicine statue to allow more telemedicine providers to serve Mississippi. I voted Yes, the measure passed 103-17.

HB1178 Telemedicine; revise procedures defining and regulating the practice of.
02/19 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
02/19 (H) Passed

21. On Friday 2/19/16, the House considered a bill which defines and protects certain religious beliefs from legal action. This measure addresses situations where certain service providers have been sued for declining to participate in a wedding ceremony with which they do not agree. This bill protects the free exercise of religion and freedom of association. I voted Yes, the measure passed 80-39.

HB1523 Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act; create.
02/19 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
02/19 (H) Amended
02/19 (H) Passed As Amended
02/19 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered (Straughter, Gipson, Hood)