
House Floor Votes 3/1/16

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*Note: This page will be continuously updated as votes are taken and posted. To view the full text of a measure, click on the bill number. To view the vote totals, click on the date immediately beneath the bill title.

  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that devotes $50 Million of the BP Settlement funds toward bonds for infrastructure improvements. I voted Yes, the bill passed 101-20.
HB1386 Oil Spill settlement funds; use portion to pay debt service of bonds issued for road and bridge improvements.
02/23 (H) Title Suff Do Pass


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill which establishes regulations on emergency telecommunictors in the state. I voted No, the bill passed 114-4.
HB 491
Emergency telecommunicators; extend repealers on training requirements and funding.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows the Department of Information Technology Services to conduct background checks and fingerprinting for employees handling sensitive data. I voted Yes, the bill passed 116-0.
MS Dept. of Information Technology Services; revise certain requirements for employment and require criminal background check.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows local governments to appoint city clerks, should they so choose. A few towns in Mississippi still elect clerks and this bill allows them to appoint that position. The final version of the bill did not include police chiefs. I voted Yes, the bill passed 99-21.
HB 130 Municipal clerks and Chiefs of Police in code charter municipalities; require to be appointed instead of elected.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that provides the State Department of Education more latitude to reorganize their department by extending their exemption from State Personnel Board procedures. I voted Yes, the bill passed 76-46.
HB 199 State Dept. of Education; remove from certain State Personnel Board procedures for a total of five years.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that extends a county tax on forests to fund a state agency. I voted No, the bill passed 113-4.
HB 477
Forest acreage tax; extend repealer on law requiring certain counties to levy.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time



  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that extends an income tax credit on certain uses of ports and airports. I support lowering the income tax burden for all Mississippians. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-1.
Income tax; extend repealer on tax credit for certain charges for using certain port and airport facilities.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows for several groups in Mississippi to apply for distinctive state car tags. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB 389
Distinctive Motor vehicle license tag; authorize issuance to supporters of Sacred Heart Catholic School in Hattiesburg.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that made some technical corrections to the drug penalties statute to provide a graduated and enhanced scale for the sale of certain drugs. It also provided more judicial flexibility in certain instances where offenders cooperate with law enforcement. I voted Yes, the bill passed 80-36. An amendment was offered to exempt medical marijuana from these graduated sanctions. This would have allowed medical marijuana to be studied for medical purposes, but not for recreational use. I voted Yes on the amendment, it failed 30-90.
HB 701 Drug penalties; revise.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that clarifies the authority of all law enforcement officers to ensure that the law allows them to administer DUI tests. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-1.
HB1361 DUI test; clarify the authority to administer.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that revised drug schedules to add drugs that have been found to have medical value at the federal level, and it also removes from the schedule Naloxone, a medicine that reverses drug overdoses. I voted Yes, the bill passed 115-5.
HB1369 Controlled Substances; revise Schedulers I,II,III and IV.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that reduces the standard of proof required for suspending parole. Instead of requiring proof from a court beyond a reasonable doubt, this bill would allow for a preponderance of evidence to impose the remaining parole sentence. I voted No, the bill passed.
HB 107 Parole board; authorize to revoke parole and impose remaining time if parolee committs a felony or absconds supervision.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows counties to utilize collection agencies to collect unpaid garbage fees. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB1202 Counties; clarify authority to collect fees for rubbish and garbage disposal.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that eliminates a regulatory requirement on Medicaid planners. I voted Yes, the bill passed 82-39.
HB 897 Medicaid planners; delete requirement to have a surety bond.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows companies like Uber to operate in Mississippi without interference from local regulations. This is not a perfect bill since it imposes statewide regulations on these entities, but it is an improvement from the current situation where these companies are outright prohibited in some areas. I voted Yes, the bill passed 117-4.
Transportation Network Companies; establish regulations related to.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires the Department of Education to use the prior year’s test scores to determine accountability ratings, and also authorizes the State Auditor to review the ratings. I voted Yes, the bill passed 83-34.
HB 47 School accountability standards; revise the manner by which accreditation ratings are assigned and require independent assessment by State Auditor.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that expands the EEF program and could lead to increased costs. I voted No, the bill passed 119-1.
HB 200 EEF Procurement Cards; revise definition of “teachers” to include those employed at public special purpose schools to receive.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that revises the definition of special needs to include all students with an active IEP in the last 5 years, to ensure that they are eligible for the Special Needs ESA. I voted Yes, the bill passed 104-15.
HB 33 Equal Opportunity for Students with Special Needs Act; revise definition of “eligible student” to include those with an active IEP for past five years.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that extends another state task force. This unelected body is compensated by the state to make recommendations on our sex education programs. It also extends the state-mandated sex education offerings for public schools. The bill was tabled.
HB 494 Sex-related/abstinence education and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Task Force; extend repealers on.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that consolidates Holmes County and Durant Public School Districts. I voted Yes, the bill passed 75-46.
HB 926 School district administrative consolidation; require in Holmes County and Durant Public School Districts.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that extends a regulation requiring building to meet efficiency standards. I voted No, the bill passed 115-3.
HB 906
Energy efficiency standards on buildings; extend repealer of statute requiring certain buildings to meet.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that increases the fees for hunting and fishing licenses in Mississippi. It would raise fees for both in-state and out-of-state license fees. I voted No, the bill passed 81-40.
Hunting and fishing licenses; revise fees for.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that extends the homestead exemption for senior citizens and the disabled. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-0.
HB 365
Homestead exemption; provide additional exemption for certain persons 65 years of age or older or totally disabled.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill which revises the date of the firearms sales tax holiday to move it forward. This would prevent it from falling on the same weekend that dove season and football season opens. I voted Yes, the bill passed 110-7.
HB 362
Sales tax; revise time for exemption on retail sales of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires local taxing entities to file annual reports on the amount of tax revenue that they are receiving. This allows for further transparency in government. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB 393 Taxing entities; require to file annual report providing amount of tax revenues received.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires lists of taxes submitted by small businesses are presumed to be accurate and requires that tax assessors are required to obtain a court warrant before searching an individual’s property. I voted Yes, the bill passed 120-0.
HB1560 Ad valorem taxes; list of personal; property provided to tax assessor is presumed to be accurate.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows those who reside in mobile homes receive some of the benefits that those who reside in homes currently receive in ad valorem tax sales. I voted Yes, the bill passed 118-1.
Mobile homes; give owner of one year to redeem the property after sold for taxes.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that changes the requirements for drawing election districts to prevent localities from altering precincts before the legislature has a chance to re-draw the district lines following the census every ten years. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB 799 Precinct boundaries; prohibit altering for certain time of.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that revises penalties for those who knowingly commit election fraud. This bill increases penalties for destroying ballots and buying votes. Government has a legitimate interest in ensuring the integrity of the election process. I voted Yes, the bill passed 114-4.
HB 866 Election Crimes; revise penalties for.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows municipalities to compensate election managers at a higher rate. This is voluntary and at the discretion of the municipalities. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-1.
HB 137 Municipal election mangers; revise discretionary salary and compensation for attending training sessions.
02/18 (H) Title Suff Do Pass


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that creates a new special fund to spend state money on local sewer projects. I voted No, the bill passed 116-4.
HB 122 Municipal Water, Sewer and Waste Water Systems Repair and Replacement Grant Program; create.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time



  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires the state Department of Finance to establish procedures relating the rebates from procurement cards, to increase efficiency and discourage abuse. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB1455 Procurement card rebates; require the Department of Finance and Administration to establish policies that govern the accrual of.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time



  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows the State Auditor to issue subpoenas when their requests for information from public entities are not met, and also provides the Auditor authority to request information from nonprofits the receive public funds. I voted Yes, the bill passed 118-3.
HB1500 State Auditor; revise rights related to requesting certain information and conducting certain audits.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that revises the requirements to serve on the Personal Service Contract Review Board, preventing state employees from serving. This bill prevents potential conflicts of interest. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-1.
HB1501 Personal Service Contract Review Board; revise to make technical changes to.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires school districts to file regular online reports that detail how they are spending tax money. This bill increases transparency in government. This bill is currently available publicly, but not online. This bill requires the information to be available online.  I voted Yes, the bill passed 114-7. An amendment was offered to apply this to nonpublic entities. I voted No on the amendment and it failed 53-66.
HB1444 Financial Transparency in Education Act; create.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that makes several revisions to the statute concerning recognizing schools with inclusion for students with disabilities, to give the panel more authority to recognize schools that provide these services. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-0.
HB 959 Students with disabilities; revise process by which schools enhancing full inclusion of in all educational areas are recognized.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows the State Treasurer more authority to return unclaimed property to citizens of the state when US Savings Bonds are received by the state. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB1086 Unclaimed Property Act; proceeds of redeemed US Savings Bonds under shall be deposited into Abandoned Property Fund.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that creates a new board to spend money on new projects with the capitol complex that is funded by diverting money from Jackson’s sales tax revenues. I voted No, the bill passed 116-3.
HB1564 Capitol Complex Improvement District; create and fund improvement projects within.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires school districts to submit their program reports to the state’s PEER committee for further review. I voted Yes, the bill passed 83-33.
HB 29
School districts; require to submit reports to PEER.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires school districts to report annually all arrests on school property so that this is available to legislative leaders. I voted Yes, the bill passed.
HB 928 Arrest of students on school property; provide for collection of data.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that imposes additional fees on sex offenders to fund a trooper school. Sex offenders should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, and registered. Imposing a fee on registration discourages registration. I voted No, the bill passed 116-3.
Trooper school; require sex offenders who are required to register to pay registration fees to fund.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that ensures victims of human trafficking receive the same protections as abused children. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB1413 Child abuse; provide that a trafficked child is an abused child.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows for students in under-performing school districts to attend charter schools. This bill provides additional choice for children who are trapped in failing schools. I voted Yes, the bill passed 66-53.
HB1044 Charter schools; authorize open enrollment across school district lines.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires the State Board of Education to review procedures governing high school athletics in Mississippi. This bill requires the Mississippi High School Activities Association to provide information to the legislature concerning their practices to ensure accountability. I voted Yes, the bill passed 99-21.
HB 168
School athletics and extracurricular activities; require SBE to review and recommend revisions for administration of for public schools.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that creates a new study group to make recommendations on technology in the classroom. These board members would be compensated by the state at an increased cost to taxpayers. I voted No, the bill passed 120-1.
HB 924 Council on Education Technology; reestablish and define responsibilities.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that requires railroads and public departments to cooperate when public improvement projects create conflicts. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB1263 Public improvement projects; require certain governmental entities and railroads to accomodate each other when operations conflict with.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that gives the Harrison County Board of Supervisors control of the Gulf Coast Coliseum. I voted Yes, the bill passed 119-0.


HB1203 Mississippi Coast Coliseum Commission; revise membership.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows counties to determine the fees that are charged by county surveyors. This provides local surveyors more latitude to set their own fees. I voted Yes, the bill passed 104-15.
HB 296
County Surveyors; revise the fees charged by.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows Jackson State University to lease a portion of its property to develop student housing. I voted Yes, the bill passed 120-0.
HB 885 Jackson State University property; authorize long-term lease of for student housing.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time



  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows Mississippi State University to lease a portion of its property for the development of student housing and retail. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB 884 MSU; authorize to enter into a long term lease for housing and retail purposes.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows for the funding of trooper schools using money that is left over from salaries of troopers who retire. I voted Yes, the bill passed 120-2.
HB1347 Trooper School Fund; transfer certain lapsed funds of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety to fund trooper school.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that exempts UMMC from certain procurement provisions. The legislature passed sweeping procurement reform last year, which helped prevent corruption in state government. UMMC’s teaching hospital asked to be exempted from these procedures since this law presented issues with their special situation as a teaching hospital. Due to a technicality, they were the only hospital included in this law. I voted Yes, the bill passed 104-16.
HB1452 UMMC teaching hospital; exempt from the provisions of certain purchasing and service contract practices.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows the Secretary of State more latitude to hire quality talent for their department. I voted Yes, the bill passed 114-1.
HB1475 Nonstate Service employees; revise to classify the Secretary of State and certain staff member as.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that reforms the operation of juvenile detention centers to improve the operation and accountability of those facilities. I voted Yes, the bill passed 117-0.
HB1481 Juvenile justice reforms; implement per task force report.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows counties and cities to collect debts owed to them by collection from the state Department of Revenue. This allows government to collect more money from taxpayers. I voted No, the bill passed 92-25.
Income tax; authorize counties and municipalities to collect certain debts by setoff against the debtor’s income tax refund.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that renames a state highway in honor of a military member who was killed in the line of duty. I voted Yes, the bill passed 120-0.
HB 822 Memorial Highway; designate certain segment of Highway 48 in Amite county as the “Taurean Harris Memorial Highway.”
02/29 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows state offenders to serve time in county jails. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB 479 State offenders serving sentences in county jails; extend repealer on.
02/29 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that renames a state highway to honor a fallen highway patrolman. I voted Yes, the bill passed 121-0.
HB1514 Memorial highway; designate certain segment of U.S. Highway 49 East in Leflore County as the “Highway Patrolman Tommy E. Kendall Memorial Highway.”
02/29 (H) Read the Third Time



  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that renames a portion of a state highway in honor of former Representative Esther Harrison. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB 918 Memorial highway ; designate segment of Mississippi Highway 182 in the City of Columbus as the “Rep. Esther M. Harrison Memorial Highway.”
02/29 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that allows the State Port Authority to follow certain procedures when contracting for projects. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB 506 State Port authority; extend repealer on authority to use design-build method of contracting.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that continues to allow individuals to purchase tax-forfeited lands. I voted Yes, the bill passed 122-0.
HB 492 Public lands; extend repealer restricting the purchase of by certain persons and business entities.
02/25 (H) Read the Third Time


  1. On Tuesday 3/1/16, the House considered a bill that creates oversight provisions for outside counsel retained by the Attorney General. I voted Yes, the bill passed 61-60.
HB 738 Attorney General; require approval by Outside Counsel Oversight Commission to bring certain suits.
02/29 (H) Set Aside-Pend Ruling of Chair